Co-managed IT is a collaborative approach to IT management that combines your in-house capabilities with the expertise of a managed IT services provider (MSP). If your organization requires significant IT capabilities but also strict control over your assets, then this model could be the ideal solution. It gives you the best of both worlds: on-demand, specialized IT expertise and a direct say over how your technology is utilized.

Let’s explore what co-managed IT services are, how they work, and why they might be an excellent choice for your business.

What are co-managed IT services?

Co-managed IT services involve a partnership between your internal IT team and an external MSP. With standard managed IT services, the MSP takes over managing your entire IT infrastructure, but with co-managed IT services, they slot into your IT team and only take on the tasks you need them to.

This hybrid model allows your organization to fill capability gaps, creating a more robust and flexible IT environment. Rather than fully outsourcing your IT operations, you can work with an MSP to complement your internal team’s skills with additional support, resources, and expertise.

Benefits of co-managed IT services

Co-managed IT services offer several valuable benefits as well as advantages over standard managed IT services.

Enhanced expertise and resources

A key advantage of co-managed IT services is the expanded access to a diverse range of expertise and resources. Your in-house team, while knowledgeable, may lack specialized skills in certain areas. An MSP brings a wealth of experience and advanced proficiencies, allowing your organization to tackle more complex projects and tasks that may have been previously out of reach.


Co-managed IT services can be more cost-effective than fully outsourcing your IT operations. By leveraging your existing IT staff and only supplementing with external support where needed, you can optimize your IT budget. This way, you don’t have to pay for the basic services your IT team already covers while still gaining access to high-level expertise and advanced technology.

Focus on core business activities

By entrusting specific IT tasks to a co-managed IT services provider, your internal team can focus on strategic initiatives and core business activities. With support from the provider, your IT staff can concentrate on projects that drive business growth and enhance operations, rather than getting weighed down by routine maintenance and repetitive tasks.

Why co-managed IT services might be a good choice for your business

Co-managed IT services can bring tangible benefits to your business if you want:

Maximized IT potential

Co-managed IT services empower your existing IT team to maximize their potential by providing additional support and expertise in key areas. This partnership allows your business to leverage the full capabilities of your IT resources, driving efficiency and innovation.

Support for your business’s growth

Business growth entails evolving IT demands, and co-managed IT offers a scalable and adaptable solution to address these changing needs. By providing (and charging for) only what you need when you need it, the MSP ensures that your IT infrastructure evolves in line with your business objectives without breaking your budget.

Access to continuous improvement

The technology landscape is constantly changing, and keeping up with these changes can be time-consuming and expensive. Co-managed IT services providers are IT industry specialists, which means they stay on top of new technologies and best practices so you don’t have to. This continuous improvement ensures that your IT infrastructure remains on the cutting edge and capable of driving business success.

See what co-managed IT services can do for your organization

If you’d like to see what Buffalo, New York’s leading co-managed IT services provider can do for your business’s growth and efficiency, contact PCA Technology Group. We’ve been working with small and medium-sized businesses for over 35 years helping them leverage personalized, advanced IT solutions for greater productivity and efficiency.

Speak to our seasoned IT professionals, and they’ll show you exactly where co-managed IT services can fill gaps in your capabilities and enhance your organization’s agility.